Cloriti Pharmaceuticals (E.A) LTD was established on the 16th February, 2007
and then incorporated under certificate No. 135486 of the companies Act cap 486
as a Limited Company. The company is licensed by the Pharmacy and Poison’s
Board of Kenya under the Pharmacy and Poison’s Act Cap 244.
The company represents local and international agents, companies and distributors
for human medicines, veterinary medicines, hospital equipment, consumables,
laboratory equipment and reagents, chemicals and surgical, x-ray films and
medical essentials. They include: -
1. Norbrook Kenya limited - Kenya
2. Assia Pharmaceuticals – Kenya
3. Block Scientific - U.S.A
4. Dialab Diagnostic GmbH - Austria
5. Mast International - U.K
6. Medical Air Technology (MAT) - U.S.A/U.K
7. Hycel Diagnostics - France
8. Strategen Diagnostics - USA
9. Medina Chemicals - Kenya
10. Thomas scientific (usa) -U.S.A
11. Mindray scientific inc -U.S.A